Transition from Primary School - Â鶹ӳ»­


Transition from Primary School

We look forward to welcoming our new Year 7 students in September.

All parents who have accepted a place for their child will be sent an email giving details of the transition process once all the places are confirmed. Please do be patient as this can take some time.

Any updates will also appear on this page.  Meanwhile, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via email ( ).

Please click here to see our uniform requirements and equipment your child will need


Dates for your diary

For term dates 2024/25, please click here

Monday 1st July - Induction Evening for Parents (in person)

Tuesday 2nd July - Induction Day for Students (day spent at Guildford County)

Wednesday 24th to Saturday 27th July - Summer School  


Recording from the 'Meet the Team' evening (held on Thursday 25th April)




Uniform Arrangements

supply all of our uniform. 

We hope this information will help you plan the purchase of your child’s new uniform.

To see our school uniform and equipment list, please CLICK HERE

Below is a step-by-step guide to registering on Stevensons website, if needed.

Stevensons 208-210 London Road Guildford Surrey GU4 7JS.





Instrumental and Voice Lessons

We offer many different instrumental lessons to our students and we are very fortunate to have several highly-skilled instrumental teachers. These are run independently from the school but take place before, during and after the school day. We also run three instrumental schemes: “Reediscovery”, Double Reeds, and “Stringendo”.  These are launched to our new Year 7 students in the Autumn term but lessons on these instruments are available to any student irrespective of being on these schemes. Further details will follow in September.


Instrumental lessons offered: 




Drum Kit

Acoustic, Electric and Bass Guitar

French Horn



Violin / Viola




Cello (via Surrey Arts)




Double Bass (via Surrey Arts)





If you are interested in your son or daughter having music lessons, you will have the opportunity to do so through the admission form you will be sent once all the school places have been confirmed.

Any queries, you are welcome to email our Director of Music, Caroline Gale at


Lessons begin at the start of each half-term and we ask for applications to be submitted before the end of the previous term.

Lessons are normally run on a rotational basis as to avoid students missing the same school lesson each week. Details of lesson times are found on the noticeboard near the music office. 

If you would like any more information about this provision, please contact a member of the Music Department.

Are you eligible for Free School Meals?

If your child is currently receiving free school meals at their current school or if your circumstances have changed recently and you think you may now be eligible, please can you complete and return the attached FSM application.  

Please email the completed form to Katy Robinson ( ) as soon as possible to avoid any delay at the start of term.

Special Educational Needs

If your child has any special educational needs that we should be aware of, please do send an email to our Director of SEND, Charlotte Barlow, at



Welcome messages from Year 7 students

Beth D

Dear Year 6

It must be strange getting ready to go to a new school at this weird time. You might think that it’s a bit scary joining a new school. It is for about the first week and then you just get used to it and it’s alright and it becomes completely normal.

This time last year when I was getting ready to start at County I was worried about things like finding my way around a big building, and getting lost, and being worried about asking people where to go. But the teacher leads you around for the first few days from room to room so you don’t get lost. You will also have people in your class who know the school from their brothers and sisters so know where they’re going.

I was also worried that the lessons would be really hard – but some are easier than at primary school and others are just a bit harder.

You will get used to some new things – like having lockers and paying for your lunch. It’s easy. I’d go for the fingerprint option as it’s easier but you need to remind your parents to keep topping up your account.

You will have to get used to wearing a tie which is fine, and remembering your PE kit and different books on different days. Some people play football on the MUGA at lunchtime. You sometimes do PE at Urnfield and you go there by coach.

There are 6 different Houses which you stay in throughout the school which are your tutor group (normal form) but you are moved around for different lessons. As you go through the school you can choose different options for classes like German or Spanish.

If we are Â鶹ӳ»­ Learning in September it might be a bit different. Your teachers set you tasks on Microsoft Teams with deadlines and you just work through them in your own time. It helps if you have a computer can you use or a laptop.

Compared to HT there aren’t as many clubs – but you can join things like Choir, Football club, Hockey club, Cooking club and lots of different musical instruments. The Boys Choir is one of the biggest in the UK and you get your own special tie.


Message to Year 7s :

Moving to County was relatively easy. The corridors are all signposted, so you don’t really need to worry about getting lost. Also, you will have friends with you who are also lost.  The tutors are all really nice and will help you out if you need anything. In year 7 you also have year 11 mentors. This helps as it means you recognise people around the school. The canteen is huge and a fun place to eat with your friends. There are loads of fun clubs doing everything you could ever like.

New subjects aren’t really a problem. The teachers are nice. Also, there aren’t actually that many new subjects. On the whole, for me, moving to County from Q.E was great. The teachers were nice, and it all falls into place really quickly.

Sam 7S


Hi, I’m Oscar, and I’ll be telling you about all the great things about county, and how I felt in your position about starting a new school.

When I started County, most of my friends were already going there, but I still made more friends in my year and tutor. It was a bit scary, because we went from the biggest people to the smallest, and we found it hard to get around, but the teachers pointed out that there were signs all around the school, so we could navigate.


Clubs are one of the best ways to make new friends and meet new people at county. Lots of people attend certain clubs. My favourite club is house drama for sure. You get to learn about people in your house. You also learn lots about acting and actors/actress’.

The Canteen and the Pod

The canteen is the place where you get hot, fresh meals and drinks. Your parents may have an app to top up your lunch from their phones. The Pod is the place where you can get hot food, but only things like sandwiches and wraps. 


The mentors are all really nice, and they can help you with anything! From schoolwork, to personal life and things at home. They can navigate you all around the school, and they show were to go if you need help with something. If you ask them where you can find a book, they will show you where the library is, and where to get the certain book you’re looking for (if the library has it).

Different subjects

There are all sorts of different subjects, even though we are a music college. My favourite subject is geography, because we learn about different counties, towns, villages, cities, countries, continents and sometimes even history about these places.

Things to do at lunchtime and breaktime

There are so many things you can do at lunch and breaktime. My favourite thing to do is either go on the MUGA and play football or talk to my friends and eat my food. There are lots of lunchtime clubs that are great and really fun.

Thanks for reading.


To the new year 7s- you are going to love it at this new school and you will have lots of fun.

The school is pretty big with lots of classroms. You will have 5 lessons a day. It will go like this one lesson, then one more, then at break you can get something to eat, then two more lessons, then lunch, then you have tutor-time with you class and then one more lesson and home-time. You will have a 10 minute tutor lesson in the morning and half and hour one after lunch and then the last lesson. So there you go! You will get to meet lots of teachers and you will have a different teacher for every lesson like one for Maths one for French and so on.You will have lots of fun!

Betsy 7S (Northmead)


When I started at Â鶹ӳ»­ I didn’t know anyone as I was the only person coming from my school, but everyone in my tutor was kind and I found it easy to make friends as everyone was very  welcoming. We had year eleven mentors, who would come to our tutor every Thursday and take us in small groups. We would then be able to ask them any questions we had and they would also play games with us. The teachers are also supportive and they listen to your problems if you have any problems.

The most important thing I learnt from this experience was that lots of people are in the same situation as you and you shouldn’t be worried about what other people think of you because there is always people there for you.

Harriet 7S (Goldsworth Primary School)



On my first day at Â鶹ӳ»­ I was worried about making friends, teachers, homework and finding my way around.

As I entered the school gate, I saw Mr Smith (Headteacher) who gave me a big smile, which made me feel so welcome. There were Year 11 mentors who were taking Year 7 students to be with other Year 7 students.

I can remember my first day went by so quickly. I really didn’t need to worry about anything. I was given a timetable of my lessons. There were a few times I was not sure where I was going, I asked the older students and they were more than happy to help. All my teachers were encouraging; most of them always have a smile on their faces when they greet you. I thought I would get homework every single day and everyone said it would be really difficult. But I discovered that the homework was actually not that bad and it can be really fun.

My friends from primary school and I introduced each other to new friends we had made. Also, I made friends in my tutor group.

Honestly, there is nothing to worry about at Â鶹ӳ»­. We are a big family who support and encourage one another.

Zain– Tutor

Queen Eleanor’s School



My name is Avilee and I would like to talk quickly about my experience in county as a year seven. Going into Â鶹ӳ»­ was a big thing for me, I didn’t want to leave the school that I was used to, QE. I was actually quite scared. But once we got taken around and I saw how friendly and understanding everyone was there I wasn’t so afraid. When you join, I hope that you won’t be as sad to leave your school or be as scared to join county as I was, I’d rather you to be excited because you are going to a marvellous school. At county you will be first asked to take a quiz before you start your proper year. Not to worry, they only do this so they can put you in the right class. On introductory day, I was lucky enough to walk to school with some of my friends that were going too. I am in Tudor and so were many of my friends. I was lucky to be in such a great house. In my first week I was determined to make a good impression and so far that reputation has lived up to that goal. I have gotten so much praise, achievements and house points and by being the best person you can be, you’ll be able to get many! The teachers here at county are brilliant and my tutor is so fun. You will get a locker too. I was so excited about being able to roam free at school and walk to my own classes. I was eager to walk on my own because after a week, I knew the school pretty well. I did get lost once or twice but all I did was ask some helpful students around me to navigate me to where I was going. They weren’t scary at all and they understand. I found it great that we had a dedicated subject for drama and I loved that we had a canteen like in all movies. I felt so grown up and the food by the way is amazing. When I got home from the first week I did have a bunch of homework to do but It wasn’t as nearly as much or as hard as I had expected. I work hard and have fun. My year seven year was such an experience and I made some other friends. The teachers are so nice yet are able to shut the class up if they have to. I had lots of laughs at county and I bet you will too!


Sofia, in Tudor – Queen Eleanor's

Finding your way around

At first, I thought the school was so big that I would never find my way around but then figured out that I was completely wrong. Its smaller than you think and don’t worry the teachers will help you around for the first week or so.


The lessons that I have done so far at county are so good especially science as you can experiment with different equipment and find out interesting things. Another great subject is Tech where you can learn to cook and sew and even more epic things which I didn’t have at my primary school.

Â鶹ӳ»­ learning

Do not worry about homework they don’t give you too much and you can always speak to them if you are struggling. There is also a great app called EduLink which students use to keep track of their homework.

I hope this helps! :)


Advice for new YR7’s - Things they don’t tell you about starting County….

It isn’t scary. The food is Peng. The school is not that big. The Muga is lit. You’ll know more people than you think you will. You’ll see people from different houses so don’t worry about that. There’s loads of clubs. Always get the curly fries!!! Don’t hang around in the hallways. The chocolate scones are the best. There’s a zip up pocket on the inside of your blazer perfect for your locker keys. The blueberry bread is underrated. Don’t run between classes! If you want to go on the Muga, get your food from the Pod – it’s outside and quicker. Don’t beef. Wear your tie so the point is level with your belly button. Don’t litter, it’s not cool. Make friends with the lunch servers (especially the person serving the curly fries – this is the most important thing!!!) Tudor is the best.

Matthew 7T, Northmead Junior School


I came to Guildford County in September last year, from Tillingbourne Junior School.

At first, when I started here, it seemed a bit frightening, because it was very different to my previous school. County is much larger, with many more students, and many more teachers. For a while, it might seem like you will never know your way around – I experienced that!

However, you will soon settle in, and the school will become familiar to you, and, if you do have questions, you can speak to your tutor, or one of the Year 11 mentors, who are always there to help.

As you settle in, you will find that there are new opportunities at school. There is a large variety of clubs that Year 7s can join, including choir, football, hockey, and netball. I do girls’ football and run club on a Friday, both of which I really enjoy. In addition, you may find that there is something that you really like in the new subjects that you will start to learn.

Also, when you begin at County, you will have been put into a house. I am in Tudor. At several times during the year, there are house events, including house winter sports, house summer sports, house drama, and house music. It is not compulsory to participate in these events, but they are fun, and allow students to mix with other houses in a friendly, but competitive way.

Isabel – Tudor - Previous school: Tillingbourne Junior
